A new Hope for the Children of Morocco

The home has a local committee made up of nationals and expatriates who oversee the ministry. Since the committee members have been in the country for a number of years they are able to support workers in making decisions. The committee establishes all local policies and has the responsibility of complying with all local laws.

Our Ministry

The home operates for those children whose families are unable or unwilling to care for them. Some are orphans but many have been abandoned. ue to the shame that this brings upon family and local community, a young girl, or a divorced woman, who becomes pregnant gives her child away to be cared for by homes like ours. In addition, she is unable to earn a living that will support herself or her child. Some continue to keep in contact with the home.Most of the children will enter the home shortly after birth and will stay with us through high school.


  1. Provide physical care for disadvantaged children, primarily who are homeless.
  2. Meet the spiritual and emotional needs of children in our care by demonstrating daily the power and love of God.
  3. Provide schooling and tutoring so that the children will be equipped to support themselves after leaving our care.
  4. Search, or create, employment opportunities for our children before they leave the home.
  5. Ensure that our children grow up as responsible, Moroccan citizens who will make their contribution to society.

Financing and Operating Policy

There are four principles that we, at Ain Leuh Children's Village, follow:

  1. Pleas for money will be made to God alone in prayer. We trust that he will supply our needs at the right time through those he wants to use.
  2. God will send the children of his choice to us, valuable as they are in his sight.
  3. Our planning can always be altered or changed by God on a daily basis even though it breaks away from the "normal," efficient way.
  4. God will send the staff and workers of His choice for the Village of Hope.

In the light of the above we will not neglect to inform those who are offering their services and/or resources. In line with this, new staff are expected to come fully supported from their countries of origin. Anyone who senses the call of God upon their lives to work at Ain Leuh, will also have raised the necessary prayer support base (a reference that undergirds this whole section can be found in Matthew 6:33).

Financial Accountability

An audited report completed by an independent government approved auditor will be submitted annually to the board, donors and other interested parties.

Click here to view a summary of the financial situation between July 1998, when the project commenced receiving funds and July 2001. Updated financial information will be available upon request at the end of January each year.

Demographics and current conditions of orphans

Morocco has a population of approximately 35 million, of which 30.000 are orphans or abandoned children. Most of these children are taken care of by state-run institutions (usually annexes to state hospitals). These are not conducive to child rearing in the best of conditions. Many of the children taken in are boys. Girls are seen as more financially viable as live-in housekeepers or prostitutes. These children are taken care of up to the age of 15 and then released to look out for themselves.

Most of the children taken in are not necessarily orphans but abandoned due to the fact that they are born out of wedlock. Children born under these conditions are seen as outcasts and a shame to family and community. Most of them are given up at birth and have no contact with their biological parents.

The Ain Leuh Home, which preceded the Village of Hope, was run as a Christian home. The Village of Hope is one of the only two of its kind in the country. Many of the children of the Ain Leuh home have grown up and fanned out over the Morocco, Europe, and North America doing a variety of things.
We have had a working relationship with two of these children. A few have been working with us in the redevelopment of the home into a full-fledged campus. Many of the former children, now adults, have expressed their desire to see the home fully operational again. We have appreciated their ideas in the redevelopment phase of the home and have attempted to keep within the spirit of them.

During the last few years of the orphanage the ladies, who ran their single-dwelling home, took in six more children. Due to ill health, age and death of one, the home had to be closed down and the children moved to the other home associated with us. They adjusted well to their new family and we trust that we will be able to be counted as faithful to what God has called us to, with your help.

The Village of Hope Children

The Village of Hope Children

The Village (mountain view)

The Village (mountainview)

Boonstra Family

Boonstra Family

Muller family

Muller family